Parent Canvas Account Setup Instructions

How to create a pairing code for a parent account

1. Have the student log onto Canvas

They will need to login with their school Google account.

2. At the top of the quick links bar on the left, Clickon Account and then Settings

Canvas menu highlighting the settings button

3. At the bottom of the options on the right, select Pair with Observer

Canvas settings showing the "Pair with observer" button

4. At the bottom of the options on the right, select Pair with Observer

Pay attention to capital and lower case letters
Also note that the code will only be good for a week.  After that, for any new pairings, a new code must be generated.

Canvas "Pair with observer" window with generated code

5. Parent Login Instructions

A.) Parents will need to go to:

B.) Click "Parent of a Canvas User? Click Here For an Account and Fill out the Form.

C.) The student paring code will be entered at the bottom of the form.

D.) Click Start Participating, and you will now be able to access your student's Canvas.

Parent Canvas Login Location

Canvas signup example